Wild Duck Coffee
2802 E Olive St | Seattle, WA 98122 | 206.325.3626

A coffee story telling engagement!

Here are details ...

Uranus is the planet of disruption, liberation, sudden changes. Revolution Technology.

In general all Uranus ruled changes have several things in common: They strike like lightning. They tend to turn a person's world upside down. They are frequently beyond the control of the person involved.

The changes are radical and cannot as a rule be reversed e.g. personal achievement, status in society -- public honour or notoriety; accidents; impersonal relationships.

Event: Black on Black Coffee Orientation

Organization: Black on Black Coffee
Contact: Schlitz Howard
Email: schlitz.howard@example.com
Training site: Seattle Central
Address: 922 Broadway
City, State Zip: Seattle, WA 98101
Preferred training date: 2018-12-10
Trainer: Fred Derf

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