Wild Duck Coffee
2802 E Olive St | Seattle, WA 98122 | 206.325.3626

A coffee story telling engagement!

Here are details ...

Saturn is the planet of restriction. Boundaries, tests, limitations. Manifestation. Hard work, responsibility.

The key is knowing how to work with the transits and cycles of Saturn because we do feel the the effects of it for a while since it is in a sign for about 2 1/2 years at a time.

It completes its first trip around the zodiac by the age of thirty and its second just before the age of sixty. This marks the beginnings of middle and old age. Understanding the transits of Saturn provides a sense of self awareness this is of benefit here.

Event: Upside Down F Orientation

Organization: Upside Down F
Contact: Alfred Peet
Email: alfred.peet@example.com
Training site: SODA Office
Address: 325 Main St
City, State Zip: Seattle, WA 98101
Preferred training date: 2018-12-18
Trainer: Tranh

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