Wild Duck Coffee
2802 E Olive St | Seattle, WA 98122 | 206.325.3626

A coffee story telling engagement!

Here are details ...

Mars represents how we assert ourselves in the world. The warrior archetype. anger, sexuality, war, sports.

Through the position of Mars in your horoscope you can see what best motivates someone to go after what they want in life. An understanding of this desire can help you to be the instinctive master of your life.

Event: The Old Coffee Pot Orientation

Organization: The Old Coffee Pot
Contact: David Schomer
Email: David.Schomer@example.com
Training site: University District
Address: 4543 University Ave
City, State Zip: Seattle, WA 98144
Preferred training date: 2019-02-05
Trainer: Fred Derf

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